Bangladesh DSSC (Special Purpose) in Bangladesh Army or Senabahini Job Circular – Online application has been requested from candidates for appointment to AMC.
■ Job Summary
■ Organization Name: Bangladesh Army
■ Post Position: See Job Circular Image
■ Job Update Date: 06 November 2020
■ Application Start Date: 13 November 2020
■ Application Deadline: 12,31 December and 09 January 2021
Eligibility to apply
Age: Candidates age 18 yrs to 28
Physical Qualification: For male candidates, the height is 8.5 meters (5 feet 5 inches), weight 5 kg (5 pounds), breast size 1.5 meters (5 inches) in normal, 1.5 meters (12 inches) in extension.
Will be For female candidates, the height should be 1.5 meters (5 feet 2 inches), weight 12 kg (5 pounds), breast size normal 1.5 meters (25 inches), and 5.7 meters (5 inches) in the spread.
Educational Qualification: FCPS / FRCS / MS / MD or equivalent which is recognized by the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council.
Nationality: Candidates should be Bangladeshi in birth / Domicile formula.
Marital Status: Married / Unmarried.
How to Apply: Candidates can apply online only through the website. Applicants can apply for Tektalk SMS or VISA and Master Card or Trust Bank Mobile Money, bKash, Rocket for a fee of Rs. After submitting the application fee, a written call-up letter will be available immediately.
Benefits: Salary and allowances: Advanced training and higher degree opportunities at home and abroad. Opportunities to join the UN peacekeeping force, obtaining accommodation and receiving medical treatment abroad at no cost, obtaining plots / flats at DOHS / AHS, subject to stipulated conditions, Cadet College for their children, Armed Forces Medical College, BUP, MIST and Army Supervision School. Opportunity.
Applicants also submitted online application and received USER ID are to frame an SMS by a Teletalk
Prepaid mobile phone to deposit application fee as under:
1st SMS: JCO<space>USER ID & Send to 16222
Example: JCO BNPQMG Send to 16222
Reply: Congrats applicants addressing Name allotting a personal identification number (PIN)
Informing amount of fee to deposit.
2nd SMS: JCO<space>YES<space>PIN & Send to 16222
Example: JCO YES 33489234 Send to 16222
Reply: Confirms applicant of fee submission and allot a USER ID & PASSWRD unique to Every applicant.