Fire Service Job . Date: 09-02-2020
Fire Service Job Name of post | Educational Qualification 1, Fireman (Male) – 1 Salary: 8-20 / – At least Secondary School Certificate or its 2. Nursing Attendant (Male) – Salary: 1 pass the 3-SIMMAN exam. Physical accuracy: Height 25 /
4 feet 5 inches minimum. Book: 12 inches minimum. 2. All the candidates have to apply online. Applicant’s age range is 5/20 years on 1/1/220. However, in the case of children of freedom fighters, the age limit can be relaxed up to 12 years. But in the case of the children of the freedom fighter, the age limit is not relaxed. No affidavit will be accepted in case of age. National ID is mandatory. 2. Rules for filling the application form: Candidates wishing to take the test can fill the application form at Deadline for application: (i) The last date and time of submission of the application form online is 21.12.25pm till 6pm. That’s it
In 550 ”, the candidates who have received the User ID within the time limit will be able to submit SMS and Exam Fees within the next 12 hours from the time of submitting the application to Online. (B) On the online application, the candidate will scan his colored picture (Length 8x Width 3) Pixel and Signature (Length 4x Width 3) Pixel and upload it to the designated location. The size of the photo should be maximum 100KB and the signature size should be maximum 60KB. (C) Candidate should save a print copy of the application form online as an auxiliary to any
examination. Payment of Rules and Examination Fees: Application form will be completed by submitting the application form as per the instructions and submitting the application form by completing the application form. The candidate who has submitted the application form correctly is a User | You will receive an application copy with ID, picture and signature The candidate will print or download the Applicant’s copy. The Applicants copy will have a User ID number and using the User ID number, the candidate will submit the test fee in any of the following methods by sending two SMS with 2 SMS / 2 / – for no more than 12 hours. First SMS: FSCD User | You need to enter the ID and send to 16222. Example: FSCD ABCDEF, Reply: Applicant’s | Name, TK. 56.00 will be charged as application fee. Your PIN is 12345678.
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