Bangladesh Prime Minister Office Job Circular 2020 has been Published
a New Job Vacancy Notice at Daily Newspaper. Dated: Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA), An organization Under the Prime Minister’s Office is an Investment Promotion and Facilitation agency of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Prime Minister Office published a job circular. The attractive job circular published the Bangladesh Prime Minister Office. Joining the smart and big Government service team of Bangladesh Prime Minister Office
Application Start Date: 13/12/2020
Application Last Date: 17/12/2020
Circular Image
1. Filling the online application form: Candidate has to complete the online registration activities and fee submission by filling the application form within the time frame specified in the notification through Teletalk web address: The procedure for payment of examination fee (Rs. 100) as per the instructions given in the notification has to be followed properly.
2. Age: The age of the applicant should be between 18 to 30 years on 30/11/2020. The maximum age for sons and daughters of freedom fighters / martyrs is only 32 years. Affidavit of age proof is not admissible.
3. Nationality:
A) The candidate must be a citizen of Bangladesh. B) Candidates who have married or pledged to marry a non-Bangladeshi citizen,
All those candidates will not be considered eligible to apply without the written permission of the government. If applicable, the permit must be submitted before the oral examination.
4. Declaration: The candidate should declare in the declaration part of the online application that all the information given in the application form is correct and true. If the information provided or any part of it is proved to be untrue or false or if any impropriety is found or any corruption is resorted to then any legal action against him including dismissal of candidature at any stage before or after the examination and improper declaration to apply Can be accepted. Admission will be provided on the basis of temporary declaration of eligibility for the written / selective examination as per the declaration given by the candidate. If a candidate fails to submit the appropriate certificate / certificate before the oral examination as proof of the information and educational qualifications provided online, or if any disqualification is found, his / her candidature will be considered void.
5. Photo: Application Preview can be seen after successfully completing the application form. Candidate (Length x Width) should not be less or more than 300×300 pixels and file size should not be more than 100 KB in the space provided in the preview. Pictures in black are not acceptable. If the picture is not of the specified size, the application will be rejected. Pictures with sunglasses will not be accepted. Click on the Help Menu of the Home Page to get detailed instructions about Photo and Signature.
. Signature: Not less than or more than 300×80 pixels at the designated place (Length x Width) for signing in Application Preview and file size not more than 60 KB is acceptable. If the signature is not of the specified size, the application will be considered void.
. Admit Card:
(A) Candidate can download Admit Card using his User ID and Password with the requested photo and registration number. The date and time of commencement of admission will be announced in time by SMS to the mobile number provided by the candidate.
(B) If a candidate completes the application form by filling the application form online, his / her application will be deemed to have been finally accepted. If a candidate fills in the form more than once with false, different / incorrect information and accepts more than one Admit Card, if fraud is proved at any stage of the process, the overall candidature of such candidate will be canceled and disqualified for future application and legal action can be taken against that candidate.
. Submission of Required Certificates / Papers: Candidates who have passed the written / selective, practical and medical tests will be invited for interview. Prior to the interview, the candidates should have original copies of the following certificates / documents. Submit a certified copy of the presentation:
(6.1) Attested copy of Certificate of Educational Qualification should be submitted. (6.2) Attested copy of National Identity Card / Birth Registration Certificate. (6.3) By the Chairman of the concerned Union Parishad / Mayor of the Municipality / Ward Councilor of the City Corporation
Attested copy of the issued citizenship certificate. (6.4) Attested copy of driving license. (7.5) Candidates with experience in driving should submit attested copy of experience certificate. (6.7) a) If the candidate is a freedom fighter / son-daughter of a martyred freedom fighter / son-daughter of a son-daughter
Attested copy of the certificate issued by the Ministry of Liberation War Affairs dated 26-02-2002, dated 26-02-2002.
Attested copy of the certificate must be submitted. B) Candidates applying for Freedom Fighter Quota will be given 72 by the Ministry of Liberation War Affairs dated 19.06.2018.
Attested copy of ‘Lal Muktibarta or Indian List’ bearing the name of the freedom fighter should be submitted as per the instructions of the circular number. The name of the freedom fighter mentioned in the application, along with the name and address of the father, the name of the freedom fighter, the name of the father and the name of the freedom fighter published on the website of the Ministry of Liberation War Affairs
Address must be one and the same. C) If the name of any freedom fighter is not ‘Lal Muktibarta’ or in the Indian list, the candidate is a freedom fighter
Copies of (I) Gazette and Provisional Certificate or (II) Gazette and Bamus Certificate or (III) Gazette, Provisional Certificate and Bamus Certificate containing name, father’s name and address should be submitted. The freedom fighters were at least 12 years and 6 months old on or before 30/11/1981.
SSC or equivalent certificate with the date of birth of the freedom fighter certificate holder as proof / documents, if not passed the SSC or equivalent examination of the concerned educational institution
Attested copy of certificate / date of birth should be submitted. E) Warrant of the concerned freedom fighter given by the local city corporation / municipality / union parisad.
Attested copy of the certificate must be submitted. If the freedom fighter is alive, he will have his counter-signature in the inheritance letter and if the freedom fighter is not alive, he will have at least 01 (one) heir in the inheritance letter.
There will be counter-signatures. F) No. dated 18-01-2011 of the Ministry of Public Administration
According to the circular, if the sons and daughters of the freedom fighters / martyrs are not found as suitable candidates
Sons and daughters of sons and daughters will be considered in the freedom fighter quota. G) If the applicant is a son or daughter of a freedom fighter / martyr, the concerned union
Attested copy of the original certificate issued by the Chairman of the Council / Mayor of the Municipality / Ward Councilor of the City Corporation should be submitted. If the address mentioned in the Freedom Fighter’s Certificate differs from the permanent address mentioned in the online application by the concerned candidate in the Freedom Fighter Certificate Attested copies of two different certificates signed by the Mayor / Ward Commissioner / Municipal Chairman / Union Parishad Chairman / Notary Public of the concerned City Corporation should be submitted in favor of the permanent address.